Solo Round the World Record – PixelBoat – 8 months and counting

Solo Round the World Record – PixelBoat – 8 months and counting

After more than 9 years of hard work, sacrifice, setbacks and with an unending desire to succeed, Alex is now counting the months, weeks and days to the off in November.

In November Alex will sail Pixel Flyer to France for the final preparations for his attempt at the Solo Non-Stop Around the World record in his 40′ yacht.

The uniquely Crowd Funded campaign is on target to be ready in time, but there is still a lot to do. The mast is being removed next week while Alex is away racing in the Caribbean 600. It will have some new rigging added as well as being checked by a surveyor. Once the mast is back in, Alex will be preparing for a busy Summer of training and events.

More sponsors are joining the campaign at an ever faster rate – from companies supplying equipment and having their logo on the PixelBoat hull, to lots of individuals adding personal pictures of family, friends and pets.

The mosaic on the hull is growing almost daily. You can see the latest pictures on the hull here and clicking on the ‘Buy Pixels’ link at the top of the page.