Land Rover BAR unveils new presence at the London Boat Show 2016

Land Rover BAR unveils new presence at the London Boat Show 2016

Land Rover BAR unveils new presence at the London Boat Show 2016

The London Boat Show is delighted to announce details of the Land Rover BAR stand at the forthcoming event. Building on the success of the previous Show, which saw record numbers of visitors to its stand, Land Rover BAR’s 2016 presence is set to be bigger and better. 

The Land Rover BAR stand (A001) will once again be awash with interactive displays and competitions. In addition to proven favourites such as the interactive power grinder, Henri Lloyd Land Rover BAR merchandise, Spinlock safety gear and the presence of Team Origin Events selling advanced tickets for the upcoming Louis Vuitton America’s Cup World Series in Portsmouth, the team will be introducing some new features to the stand.

Visitors to the 2016 London Boat Show will also be able to trial the next development of the Land Rover BAR’s 3D sailing experience. The innovative adventure starts with each virtual sailor at the helm, controlling their own AC45 and getting a personalised image of them ‘flying’ the foiling catamaran.

Plus, for the first time, visitors can discover the stand’s ‘pit wall’ display, which will showcase how the Land Rover BAR Systems and Analysis team review data from the testing boats, just like a Formula 1 race team on the pit lane.

Also joining the 400 boats on display at the Show will be the team’s sustainable docking RIB, representing the team’s drive for sustainability and the construction work of 80 apprentices from the City College Southampton. 

Commenting on their plans for the forthcoming Show, Jo Grindley, Head of Commercial, Marketing, Communications and Events at Land Rover BAR, remarked: “We’ll be bringing a new 3D sailing experience, a power grinder competition and team members from both the design and sailing teams will be on the stand at various times during the Show. We’re really looking forward to being there again this year and meeting some of the thousands of people that have supported us so fantastically during 2015.”

Murray Ellis, Managing Director at British Marine Boat Shows, adds: “As the British Challenger for the 35th America’s Cup, Land Rover BAR has inspired a nation. We will be offering visitors to the London Boat Show an exclusive opportunity to delve into the world of the America’s Cup. Showcasing technologies and innovations straight out of the team’s HQ, visitors will be able to learn and interact with the innovations behind the bid to bring the Cup home.”

The London Boat Show 2016 takes place during 8-17 January 2016 at ExCeL London. Advance tickets to the Show start from £10, with two children under the age of 15 going free with each adult. To purchase tickets and for further information visit: