Dinghy Dreaming – Young sailor’s 2017 Recap

Dinghy Dreaming – Young sailor’s 2017 Recap

We’re following the progress of aspiring young dinghy sailor James Gosson as he gets ready for the 2018 season. #dinghydreaming

With the new dinghy season about to start, I thought I should recap on progress from the end of last year.

In July I successfully completed my RYA level 3 course.  If I wasn’t before, I was now totally hooked, this was the start of it.

In September I entered my first race, the Acorn Llangorse Regatta on Llagorse Lake.

I was in the regatta fleet in my first race and came 7th out of 9th not the best start, but with a bit of support from my club instructors, I came back and won my next two races which put me 1st overall.

Towards the end of September I entered the Welsh Zone Championships in Fishguard.  This was a more challenging event, not only was it my first big event, but it would be my first time sailing in the open water.  Up until now I have only sailed on Lakes.

Again I was lucky to have a lot of support from my club, which helped greatly.

Over the two day event I had 5 races, in my first I placed 2nd out of 6 then for the next 4 races I placed 1st which gave me 1st place overall.

October saw me race in the Club Youth Racing Circuit (CYRC) for South Wales at Mumbles Yacht Club.  I had 3 races placing 1st in all of them.

Next came Tata Steel Sailing Club CYRC, where again I was lucky to place 1st overall.

Unfortunately I was unable to complete in my home clubs CYRC as I was lucky enough to be offered a provisional place in RYA South and West Wales regional optimist squad.

I attended the first weekend training session proving myself, and gaining me a full position in the squad.

So that’s it up to October last year (2017) stay tuned for my next blog where I will start to develop my skills in squad training……..


Ed: We will be following James’s progress as he expands and improves on his racing during 2018. #dinghydreaming