WaveTrax marine logbook

REVIEW: WaveTrax Marine Logbook App

WaveTrax is a marine logbook for the iPhone and iPad.  It uses the device’s GPS to make automatic log entries and track your journey.

I found setting up the app for a journey is simple.  You can enter details for the skipper, crew and vessel; choose the mode of travel (sailing, motoring or motor sailing) and even the type of trip (cruise, delivery, race or other).

You can also add conditions on the day as well as your departure point and destination.

Once underway, the screen shows trip duration, distance travelled and an overview chart, as well as other information options.  Expanding the chart shows signal strength and a compass.

You can add manual a log entry at any time and include photos (great idea) and notes as well as checking your course.  

You can also pause the journey with options for a manual restart, a timed restart or, in my mind the most useful, a restart once you’ve moved a set distance from your present location.  A very handy option if you’re liable to forget to manually restart the log.  It is also a useful feature to automatically start the log when you leave your initial departure point.

Once ashore you can sync the journey with the Wavetrax website and edit, manage, print and share your experiences.  This requires a web subscription which is included in the app purchase price for the first year, and only costs £4.99 per year thereafter so won’t break the bank.

One feature I really liked was the ability to ‘sign’ the log once completed.  It wasn’t strictly necessary but was a nice touch, as was the ability to add certificates and documents by photographing them and uploading them to the app.

Good Points

  • Easy to use|Quick to set-up|Lots of useful data

Bad Points

  • Poor GPS signal can lead to erroneous waypoints

Our Rating

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